Aiken Lions Club Regular Meeting, October 15, 2024
St. John’s Methodist Ward Hall
Members present: Heath Bradham, Susie Callis, Vivian Clark, Tony DeStefano, Bill Finley, Lou Ann Finley, Pat Friday, Charles Goodman, Joyce Haskell, Art Lader, and Susan Selden. David Davis was excused as he had a job commitment. Lion Adam is recovering from knee replacement surgery. And we are missing Mary and Phil Woolhiser.
Lion Charles called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Lion Bill did our invocation.
Minutes were not discussed, however there was a correction in the attendees on September 17: Lions Tony and Susan were present. I still haven’t found my attendance notes.
Susie Callis presented dessert, one with artificial sugar and one with real sugar. Basically, no one seemed to determine a difference.
She did an excellent presentation on Diabetes, which next month is Diabetes Awareness Month. It is marked every year on 14 November, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922.
Lion Charles need help with our Broom Sale on Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26—9-5 pm, and it will be at the same location in front of Unique Expression in the Mitchell Shopping Center.
Lion Susan made an appeal for help with the upcoming Vision Screenings.
She has also set up Salvation Army Ringing the bell on Saturday, December 7, 10-4 pm at Kroger and Rose’s.
The Christmas Parade is Sunday, December 8 so let’s support Lion Heath as he will be driving his truck in the parade. Busy weekend. The parade is a lot of fun. You will be asked to meet at 1 pm in the Union Street area. Lion Heath will find out more details and share with you.
Lion Bill demonstrated the solar candles and explained they arrived too late to help folks. Lion Betsy gave each club 25, but there is a lot more at their clubhouse. We failed to mention that DG Cindy Taylor made an appeal to each club to donate $200 to maintain the Disaster Trailer with supplies.
Charles donated $10 for a gift card that was not used and said put it toward the golf outing.
Tail Twister, Heath set up a game with brooms and pumpkins. Everyone who participated enjoyed it.
Remember our motto: Where there is a need, there is a Lion!
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Pat Friday, Secretary