What we do

Sight Conservation: As with all Lions clubs, the Aiken Lions Club focuses on providing services to the blind and visually-impaired.  The Lions International office and the South Carolina state organization both provide funding and services for the blind and visually-impaired.  We assist these higher-level organizations in their initiatives. Example initiatives include the leader-dog project and medical research funding.

In Aiken and the surrounding communities, we help fund vision screening, provide eyeglasses to needy individuals, collect used eyeglasses and deliver them to the South Carolina office in Columbia. The South Carolina office eventually delivers the glasses to the needy in overseas, undeveloped countries.

Our most recent project involves transporting officers and members of the local chapter of the National Federation of the Blind to their monthly meetings. This organization works to improve the lives of the blind by addressing their day-to-day needs within the community.

Hearing Conservation: Although not as extensive as the sight projects, we are in the process of expanding efforts to aid those with extensive hearing problems. Some examples are: funding for hearing screening, hearing aids for the needy, etc.

Adopt-A-Highway: The club periodically removes trash along Dibble Rd in Aiken as part of the state adopt-a- highway program.

Campaign Sight-First: We are a strong supporter and contribute annually to the Lions International program to create an endowment fund of $130,000,000, dedicated to eradicating blindness.

Book Scholarship for Nursing Students: In 2007 the Aiken Lions Club entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Aiken Technical College Foundation. The Aiken Lions Club agreed to contribute $800.00 to the Foundation on an annual basis. The students must be enrolled at Aiken Technical College majoring in Licensed Practical Nurse or Advance Degree Nurse. The students will receive $200.00 each for each semester. The students must maintain a 2.5 grade point average. The students will be encouraged to become active members of the Aiken Lions Club. The Aiken Lions Club, organized in 1935, is proud to help nursing students of our local community.

Assistance to Salvation Army – Bell Ringing: We strongly support the efforts of the Salvation Army by assisting each year, during the Christmas season, with their collection for the needy.

Lions Quest Program for Schools: Lions Quest is a major project of Lions Club International. It’s main goal is to support our youth, mainly through the school system. To date, Lions International has invested over 13.2 million dollars in Lions Quest programs across the United States and around the world. Our club contributes funds to this endeavor to help our youth develop the character and skills to become good citizens. The Lions Quest website accessed by clicking here provides much more detail on this worthy program.

South Carolina Lions Charitable Services: For the underprivileged in South Carolina, who cannot receive assistance from State or social services, The Lions Charitable Services fills a much-needed gap. These services are provided by a non-profit organization, established by the South Carolina Lions. Our club and others across South Carolina contribute funds to sustain this non-profit group. The services provided include eye and hearing supplies, mobile health screening units, eye surgery funding and youth programs.


Our Global Causes

global causes infographic

We usually meet at 7:00 PM the first and third Tuesday of each month at St John's Methodist Church, 104 Newberry St NW, Aiken, SC 29801. We gather in Ward Hall, off of Chesterfield Street NW. Come visit us to see what we are all about!