Minutes for the Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Meeting
St. John’s Methodist Church—Ward Hall
The following members were present: Amber Belah, Heath Bradham, Susie Callis, Jeff Callis, Vivian Clark, David Davis, Bill Finley, Pat Friday, Charles Goodman, Joyce Haskell, Adam Keller, Susan Selden, Tony Di Stefano, and Larry Wood.
Charles Goodman, president, called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
The pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion David Davis followed by the Invocation & Blessing by PCC Lion Bill Finley.
Dessert was provided by Lion Amber Bellah.
Minutes from the last meeting were mailed to each member, however, PC Lion Pat read some highlights.
PCC Lion Bill Finley discussed the work detail for our Golf Outing. We are going to be short on volunteers. Lion Pat said that her neighbor, Renee Browder would be willing to help. She is interested in becoming a member.
Our next scheduled meeting was to be on Tuesday, October 1, however due to the Hurricane it was cancelled as the roads were dangerous and the church was closed.
PDG Joyce Haskell and Lion Susie Callis are planning something special for our next meeting as October is Diabetes Awareness Month. Lion Joyce suggested we all come at 6:30 pm and do a Strides Walk Around the Church block.
Lion Charles reminded everyone that the Broom Sale would be on Friday and Saturday, October 25 & 26th in the same location in the Mitchell Shopping Center on Whiskey Road.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Pat Friday, Secretary
IMPORTANT DATES: Oct. 15: Meet at the parking lot to do a Strides Walk Around the Church Block; Meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.
BROOM SALES: Friday, October 25, 9 am -5; Saturday, October 26, 9 am-5 (or sold out)!
PS: In the pressure of leaving the next morning for my sister’s service I lost my attendance sheet. If you were there and I don’t have you down, please let me know.